US Coronavirus Travel Restrictions by State

In 2021, traveling is safe as long as we all take care. Whether you’re heading to New York or San Francisco, some standard Covid-19 prevention practices are common across the USA. However, every state and local government has its own travel restrictions and regulations.
In this article, we’ll share everything you need to bear in mind while traveling around the United States. These tips will be useful whether you’ve been fully vaccinated or not.
What It Means to Be Fully Vaccinated
First things first: When are you considered fully vaccinated? Well, it’s quite simple.
You are fully vaccinated if you’ve received:
An FDA-authorized vaccine, such as Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
A vaccine authorized for emergency use by the World Health Organization, such as the AstraZeneca vaccine.
In addition, 2 weeks must have passed since your last dose. This applies to both 2-dose vaccines and single-dose ones. Only then you will be considered fully vaccinated.
Now that you know your vaccination status, let’s go through the recommendations applicable to fully and not fully vaccinated individuals.
When Fully Vaccinated
Even if you’re fully vaccinated, make sure you follow all national and local rules and requirements. Including those around mask-wearing and social distancing.
Wear a face mask. Whether you’re traveling by bus, plane, or train, it’s recommended to keep your nose and mouth covered during the trip.
Wear a mask on every form of public transportation, whether you are traveling in, within, or outside of the US. Keep your mask on at indoor hubs, such as airports or stations, as well.
Nevertheless, in outdoor areas, such as the open deck of a ferry or the uncovered deck of a bus, travelers are not usually required to wear a mask.
But if you’re visiting a place with a high number of Covid-19 cases, consider wearing a mask in crowded areas, even outdoors.
Once you arrive, pay attention to any potential Covid-19 symptoms. If you suspect you might have Covid-19, self-quarantine and get tested.
When Not Fully Vaccinated
If you’re not fully vaccinated, we suggest you follow certain steps to keep yourself and those around you safe.
Before you travel
Get tested. You must take a viral test 1-3 days before your trip. And you will have to show proof of negative results before getting on board. Nonetheless, if you tested negative but you are feeling sick and strongly suspect that you might have Covid, consider suspending your trip.
While traveling
Always wear a face mask while traveling. Remember that it must cover your nose and mouth, and you should have it on at all times on any form of public transportation, and at indoor hubs.
Travelers are not required to wear a mask while in outdoor areas. However, it is recommended that not fully vaccinated individuals keep their masks on and practice social distancing in all circumstances. Avoid crowds and remain 6 ft. away from those who are not traveling with you.
Additionally, keep your hands clean. Wash your hands regularly, and use hand sanitizer to disinfect them and keep them virus-free. Sanitizers with a composition of at least 60% alcohol are strongly recommended.
Once you arrive
Once you’re back home, take some prevention measures. Health authorities advise unvaccinated travelers to get tested and self-quarantine. Take a viral test 3-5 days after your trip, and self-quarantine for a full week, regardless of the test result.
If you don’t get tested, stay home for a little longer. In that case, you should self-quarantine for 10 full days after your trip.
People with certain medical conditions are at risk of getting severely ill from Covid-19. When you come back from your trip, keep people with medical conditions safe by avoiding direct physical contact with them. Regardless of whether your test comes back negative or positive, stay away from those individuals for 14 days.
Watch for the development of any symptoms: Self-monitor, and if you display symptoms of Covid-19, get tested again.
Last but not least, look for any extra information on the official sites of public health authorities.
Coronavirus Travel Restrictions by State
Beyond the recommendations and restrictions applicable all across the US, each state has its own travel restrictions and quarantine requirements. Moreover, some states may not have any statewide travel restrictions, but Covid tests or vaccination certificates might be required for tourist attractions. We could take New York, California, and Hawaii as examples.
Coronavirus travel restrictions by state are changing on an extremely regular basis. These restrictions may even vary during your travel, so be ready to be flexible. We recommend you stay up-to-date by checking the websites of your destination’s state and local health departments.
Getting Tested = Staying Safe
Whether you are fully vaccinated or not, there is one key recommendation you should follow: Get tested.
The reason is simple. Getting tested is the best way to add a layer of protection and keep you and everyone around you safe. Visit our global directory to find testing locations near you.